
All Fragmentarium programs are written in GLSL. A Fragmentarium 'fragment' is always executed for each pixel in the image - there is no OpenGL geometry in the images. So Fragmentarium programs are typically raycasters or raytracers.

One main feature of Fragmentarium is the ability to break up code in smaller fragments and reuse them. Another core feature is the ability to bind custom user interface elements (such as sliders) to variables in the script.

For a quick start, take a look at the examples at the bottom.

New preprocessor commands

Fragmentarium adds a few additional preprocessor commands.

#include "some.frag"
Simply includes the references file. If the filename is a relative filename, Fragmentarium first searches for the file relative to the location of the current executing file (if it is saved), otherwise the paths specified in the 'include path' preference are searched.
#camera 3D
Tells Fragmentarium to setup a 3D camera model, making it possible to adjust the camera using the mouse on the canvas.
#camera 2D
Tells Fragmentarium to setup a 2D camera model.
#group parameter group name
Makes it possible to order GUI elements in groups.
#info "hello there"
Outputs info when compiling the fragment. Useful for attributions.
#includeonly "some.frag"
Experimental. Includes 'some.frag', but will ignore any 'include' commands in that file.
#replace "before" "after"
Experimental. Replaces the given patterns in all subsequent read lines (not in previously parsed lines).
Tells Fragmentarium that it should not attempt to run this file - it is meant be included from another file.
#preset name
Marks the beginning of a section with parameter settings. These will appear in a drop-down combobox in the parameter editor window.
Marks the end of a section with parameter settings.

Magical Uniforms

A few special variables can just be declared, and are assigned values automatically by Fragmentarium.

uniform float time
Contains the time in seconds since the last 'restart'. Fragmentarium must be running in continuous screen-update mode for this to work.
uniform float pixelSize
Contains the size of a pixel in 2D model coordinates.

GUI Elements

It is possible to map GUI elements (such as sliders) to variables in the GLSL shaders. Notice that if a comment (//) precedes the definition, the comment will appear as a tooltip in the UI.

The following GUI mappings are available:

uniform bool b; checkbox[true]
Maps a checkbox in the GUI to the boolean variable 'b' in the shader code. The default value is specified in the bracket.
uniform int i; slider[0,1,2]
Creates a slider for an integer named 'i'. The values in the brackets are minimum, default, and maximum values.
uniform float f; slider[0.1,1.1,2.3]
Creates a slider for an single precision floating-point number named 'f'. The values in the brackets are minimum, default, and maximum values.
uniform vec2 v; slider[(0,0),(1,1),(1,1)]]
Creates two sliders for the 3D vector named 'v'. The values in the brackets are minimum, default, and maximum vector values.
uniform vec3 v; slider[(0,0,0),(1,1,1),(1,1,1)]]
Creates three sliders for the 3D vector named 'v'. The values in the brackets are minimum, default, and maximum vector values.
uniform vec3 color; color[0.0,0.0,0.0]
Creates a color-chooser for the 3D vector named 'color'. The values in the brackets are R,G, and B values (in the interval [0;1]).
uniform vec4 color; color[0.1,0.4,0.8,1.0,1.0,1.0]
Special hybrid that creates a color-chooser for the x,y,z components of the vector named 'color', and a float slider for the fourth, w, component. The first three values in the bracket are min,default,max for the 'w' component, and the last three values in the brackets are R,G, and B defulat values (in the interval [0;1]) for the color chooser.
uniform sampler2D tex; file[tex.jpg]
Loads a texture into the sampler named 'text'. Filenames are resolved the same way as for the '#include' command (using the 'include' paths).

Implementing a Simple 2D System

#include "2D.frag"
#group Simple Mandelbrot

// Number of iterations
uniform int Iterations; slider[10,100,1000]

vec3 color(vec2 c) {
  vec2 z = vec2(0.0);
  for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) {
    z = vec2(z.x*z.x-z.y*z.y,2*z.x*z.y) +  c;
    if (dot(z,z)> 100.0) {
      return vec3(float(i)/float(Iterations));
  return vec3(0.0);
The example above demonstrates a very simple system: a monochrome Mandelbrot set.

The first line includes the "2D.frag" which is a very simple fragment - its only task is to take care of anti-alias. Using "2D.frag" simply requires that the user implements a function 'getColor2D', which gets the 2D model position as input, and must return a RGB color in a three component vector.

Also notice the 'uniform int Iterations' line. This line creates a slider in the Fragmentarium UI, and binds it to the 'Iterations' variable in the GLSL script. The comment line above this line will appear as a tooltip in UI as well.

Implementing a Distance Estimated System

The second example shows how to implement a Distance Estimated system. Distance Estimated systems belongs to a special class of systems, defined by a function which is able to calculate an upper bound to the distance to the closest part of the object. Many interesting fractals can be expressed by a distance estimator. In the example below, the distance estimator represents a system of eight spheres located at the corners of a cube.

#include "DE-Raytracer.frag"

float DE(vec3 pos) {
	return abs(length(abs(pos)+vec3(-1.0))-1.2);

#preset default
FudgeFactor = 0.9
BoundingSphere = 5
Detail = -0.8
Specular = 2.25
SpecularExp = 33.332
SpotLight = 1,1,1,0.02174
SpotLightDir = -0.5619,0.06666
Glow = 1,1,1,0.21053
OrbitStrength = 0

The first line includes the "DE-Raytracer.frag". In contrast to the 2D example, "DE-Raytracer.frag" takes care of a lot of stuff, including lighting and anti-aliasing. It is, however, very simple to use: simply provide a distance estimator in the function 'DE' which takes a point in space as input and returns the distance (or an upper bound of it) to the closest point on the object.

The values in the 'preset' section are necessary to tune the raytracer settings. Just build the system, and apply the 'default' preset.